【完全個室居酒屋】博多焼き鳥 野菜巻き 巻きの助 広島駅前店

カンゼンコシツイザカヤハカタヤキトリヤサイマキマキノスケ ヒロシマエキマエテン

  • Address
    広島県広島市南区猿猴橋町6-17 宏和12ビル 2・3F
  • Access
    [2 minutes from Sarukobashicho Station, 4 minutes from Hiroshima Station] We are proud of our vegetable rolls and yakitori
  • Phone number
  • Business hours
    Monday - Sunday, Public Holiday, Day before Holiday: 16: 00 - 0:00 (Cooking LO 23: 00 Drink LO 23: 30)
    [2 minutes from Sarukobashicho Station, 4 minutes from Hiroshima Station]
    ・We are proud of our vegetable rolls and yakitori!
    ・Japanese restaurant with private rooms
  • Regular holiday
    Irregular holiday